Wednesday 6 October 2010

Hollyoaks Season 17 Episode 190

With reference to CAMERA ANGLES, EDITING and MIS EN SCENE  discuss how AGE is is represented in this clip.

  1. Firstly, the camera introduces a group of people talking to each other about a wedding. Whilst the middle-aged looking man is talking to the two younger girls, the camera looks down on them on a high angle. The makes the man look more superior than the two younger girls. The girls are wearing fashionable clothes which represents the modern day fashion which young girls wear today so the tv show feels more realistic. The makeup and hairstyles are also very modern to fit in with modern day life. 
  2. Next, an older woman is shown as an eye level shot and is shown to be rather patronising and making the man she is speaking to, who is younger, feel smaller and less important. She clothes and make-up she is wearing compared to the teenage girl standing next to her is completely different for she is wearing older woman clothes with little make-up and the usual old woman hairstyle whereas the young girl has got the stereotypical midlands look about her - lot's of make-up and hair completely tied back and hooped earrings.
  3. Many different shots are used to express the different emotions of people and to explore the scene. The shots vary from being close-up shots to long shots which establish the environment it is located in. When the people are in conversation, the shot which is usually used is medium shot.
  4. Low angle is also used a lot in a couple of scenes because a character is looking down on a character and the director wants the watcher to interact and feel like they are part of it. It also makes the watcher feel as though the character that the man is talking down to is talking down to them too, which makes them feel as though they are part of the joke.

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