Wednesday 15 September 2010

Whilst watching a full episode of a TV drama of your choice, make some notes on the following:

One Tree Hill Season 7 Episode 5: Your Cheatin' Heart

1. Story line/plot What is actually happening? How do the events make you feel?

Haley finds herself in the spotlight as Nathan's scandal grows. Meanwhile, Brooke allows Julian to keep working with Alex; Millicent lands a new job; and Quinn and Clay grow closer.
All these events in this episode makes you feel a variety of emotions. From excited; to afraid; to sitting on the edge of your seat.

2. Characters Who are the characters? What are their noticeable characteristics?

Nathan Scott, Haley Scott's husband - vulnerable, angry
Haley James Scott - sorrowful
Brooke Davis, fashion designer - excitable, successful
Julian Baker, movie director
Marvin McFadden - overloaded with work, unhappy
Clay Evans - 'player', enthusiastic
Quinn James - confused, emotional
Alex Dupre - self-obessesed, vain, young, arrogant
Millie Huxtable, PA to Brooke Davis - upbeat, complicated

3. Length of episode Is this usual or unusual for the type of programme it is? How does this effect the events being depicted?

41 minutes and 42 seconds; around the same time as every episode. Each episode usually show the same amount of days - one after the other. Different dramatic events take place every other day which surprise the watcher and take a turn in the story.

4. Sense of time How does time pass in the episode? Is it days or weeks passing, or just hours or less?

The episode usually shows about two days of events. The days are long though, and full of things happening.

5. Setting Where is it set? Does this effect what type of characters/storylines are in the show? Does it change how you feel about the show's realism?

North Carolina in America. It changes how I feel about the show's realism because in America, they live a completely different culture which I am not used to. To me, this program gives me ideas of what people in my age group do, which makes it feel more real. I don't live in America, so to me this is what it is like. The different environments in North Carolina affect the way we portray that particular event. For example; a basketball game in the champions league is very different to a dinner with the family at the kitchen table because of the different things around them.

6. Themes(s) What themes does the show introduce? Themes could be any subject matter/social issue that the show makes a commentary on.

This particular episode focuses on the media. Nathan Scott, who is a famous basketball player, becomes part of a scandal about a woman who apparently is having Nathan Scott's 'love child' from a celebratory party she attended 'with' Nathan. His wife, Hayley, ends up in jail for slapping this woman and is on the front page of a magazine after being photographed by journalists.

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